Monday, May 18, 2015

Responding and Reflecting #7

In the last chapters of the novel we begin to the see the closing anticipation between Hester and Dimmesdale. In the light of the celebration of Election Day a celebration that welcomes the new governor of Boston we see Dimmesdale who seems to be very happy and looking healthy because he and Hester have plans to take a ship to England where they can start a new life. Hester sees this in him and feels sorry for him because she feels that this only isolates him from the community. We see that the community also seems to be staring more at Hester and she is noticing this, thinking that her punishment was over but still knows that she bears the Scarlet A. We also the hypocrisy in the Puritan society not only from Dimmesdale because he has committed the very sin he preaches about but also from the elders. They are the hypocrites of the society because they escaped England to get away from the oppression of religious freedom and they strict society. They however create their own strict religious society. The basis of this novel is based on the Puritan society, so when they are hypocritical themselves they have no right to judge Hester and Pearl when they themselves have some soul searching to do.

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